Kings Road

LocationKings Road, London
ClientCriterion Homes Ltd


KSdesign was approached by the client to obtain planning permission for the demolition of an existing two-story detached dwelling and the erection of two new modern five bedroom family houses.
From a wider context analysis, it was evident that the local area is characterised by a rather uniform fabric of two story detached houses. Both houses reflect the form and appearance of the buildings in the area allowing only for variations in size, footprint and windows details to give each of the new dwelling its individual identity. They present similar architectural features, typically a pitched roof gable fronting the highway, but differentiate from one another by use of materials and style.
The design includes a full basement excavation, a generous open plan kitchen and dining area on the ground floor fitted with a modern kitchen and island unit, with dark faced cabinetry.
KSdesign were involved in all RIBA stages of the project including design, planning and listed building consent, Building Regulations and working drawings